Monday, May 19, 2014

1st Girl Scout Camp Out at my house!!!

I won't add pictures of the other girls who came.  But, this was in my backyard Friday night!  I was so happy to have everybody over! :)

Why?  Well, I'm not sure about everybody else's house.  But, in our house, the only time my kids and husband are motivated to clean is when we are told we are going to have guests over.  So, I've made it a point to try and constantly try and schedule visitors over at least once a week.  Hey don't works!

So, the only thing that might get a little strange.  The two girl scout leaders are Kindergarten teachers.  But, the main leader is our neighbor, friend, and my "twins" teacher this year!  I was all worried about it being awkward.  She has been over before, but, this time she would have to use the restroom.  Let me tell you.  I actually felt the overwhelming desire to renovate the downstairs bathroom.  Don't ask me why.  Maybe because Sarah, the 5 year old a year ago, held onto the towel rack and it pulled out of the wall and left 2 large holes.  I don't have the same paint color so no sense in patching them up right now.  But, don't have the money to fix it the way I would like, I estimate to renovate the downstairs bathroom it is going to take me ~$500.  For paint/supplies, tile flooring, and sink (hopefully), and decor.  It was fine.

But, 'Zeke (my 2 year old) tried to go potty "all by himself" with no warning.  He only pee'd, but, wiped using an entire 1/2 roll of toilet paper!  Flushed about 3-4x we guess, and flooded the bathroom!!!!  Thankfully there was a lull in bathroom runs (which with 18 girls, wasn't much of a lull).  We bleached/mopped/aired out the bathroom.

Here is 'Zeke, we asked him to smile for the camera.  For some reason when you ask my kids to smile they always show their bottom teeth or both teeth.  An unnatural smile for them.  ha!
Photo: This is what he looks like if you tell him to smile.  My kids love showing their bottom teeth only... Lol!

Next day they were going to go swimming, with a lifeguard, who ended up showing up 2 hours late!  So my husband stepped in and helped the younger girls swim (thankfully the baby took a nap, so I had free hands).  I watched (from outside the pool) the older girls swim, and get their badge for swimming.    They are amazing set of girls.  I don't know about y'all but, when I was their age, I remember everybody (girl wise) trying to jab at the other girls at how ugly, stupid, or weird they were.  I was always the brunt of it.  My mom wasn't well like by the church we grew up in.  They found out she was raped by her cousin at 15 and had an abortion because of it.  Well, instead of loving her, as they should.  They told her what she should've done instead.  Those mothers of the church started talking bad about my mom, and thus, the girls to me.  We moved cities due to a job.  I wasn't picked on again.

Thankfully we found a church that instead of shaking a finger at her, gave her a hug.

I can't believe how she was those she was seeking rest to put aside all weight she had on her shoulders, and she just was given more on.

I have come to find there are 2 types of churches in this world.  1.  Those led by Christ 2.  Those led by their own desires.  1 church has it's hands wide open willing to accept you as your are, to love you as Christ loved the church.  The other is there to rebuke you before you even step a foot in the door.  Try out different churches there is one for everybody.  We currently go to 2 churches, 1 on Sunday, and 1 on Wed.  The Sunday one (our favorite) doesn't have a kids program.  It is non-traditional church, but, it is HUGE!  (well for around here).  You can see signs of their feet and hands walking and moving for Christ in it's members, community, and world outreaches.  We can go in our "Sunday best" or shorts and flip flops, and not feel out of place.  The Wed. church, it gives us a little more "meat" for our week, they are Southern Baptist, but, one of the children's leaders kicked me out!   But, that is another time and another post.

Pancreas, (knock on wood) seems to be doing better.  I had Pizza Hut pizza slice on Friday before girls came over, it didn't make me feel too well.  Probably should've taken some Creon before I ate.  I took some Ibuprofen instead.  Ate low fat Sat. & Sunday.  And I haven't had any morning sickness. :)

OHHHHHHHH.....found out good news, the bloodwork came back for the PRSS1 and CF test, I'm negative.  I don't have to worry about my kids.  Which means that the timeline is looking more and more likely.  The fact I got a virus that attacked my pancreas, I just happen to have a abnormal loop duct.  They think more people get mild acute pancreatitis rounds then is listed, as most play it off as a really bad stomach bug and go on.

Side note I see the neurologist Thursday.  Apparently they think I have MS.  Which I'm so over being a worry wort about that.  I personally think it is a neck issue.  I move my head I hear grinding, or my foot will go numb, or my vision takes a nose dive, as long as I keep my stress down, and my neck from cracking too much it doesn't happen.  They ruled out migraines (took them 2 years), no pain with a migraine signals something else.  They thought it was a spinal fluid leak to the point I had a c-section with the last baby, (my 1st c-section) to avoid pushing (which increases your spinal fluid pressure).  I could only seek relief by laying flat on my back.  They refuse to look at my neck until they do some crazy test for MS.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sarah's 5th Birthday gift


This is my Sarah's birthday gift.  No it isn't done just yet.  I ran out of the 2000 yards of thread and had to reorder.  I didn't want to use a different brand or size, afraid after multiple washing one my yellow or something.  But, this is my 2nd quilt, but, my 1st applique quilt.

I love it because all the applique pieces are "puffy", with something called a faux trampunto technique, not hard just tedious.

I got the pattern online (free) from a lady in Malaysia.  But, their beds are bigger width wise then here in the US.  So I had to readjust some of the dimensions.  So the main scene was didn't "fall off" the bed.  Plus my 3 girls all have a "bug".  Sarah's bug is a dragonfly.  So I took out some lady bugs and added a dragonfly.  Plus the Malaysian quilt said "Secret Garden" at the top of hers.  Which I LOVE!!.  But, to make it special I put "Sarah's Garden".  I let my daughter pick out the colors (mostly, the white ladybug she wanted would have been too camouflaged, haha).

Please excuse the unfinished mural on the wall.  I started it to get my mind off my pain a few years ago, pain went away, but, I had an "oopsie" and got pregnant.  Haven't picked it back up.  Plan on finishing this summer though.

If you want to see her quilt blog or whatever, here is the link to the pattern Secret Garden.  If you want to know dimensions for this quilt to adjust for the US sized twin email me I'll help you too.

Have a wonderful day!  I'm off to read with my babies. :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Family photo for Easter

Never did add a picture of us.  This is our crew! :)  Excuse the trashcan bomb... :)  I never take the time to edit photos....Plus to tell you the truth.  Other then cropping stuff (like trashcans out), and changing and rotating if upside down.  Photo editing just looks fake to me.  I have one of Caleb (the baby) a few months ago, done by a professional (friend at church).  She doctored it up so much he looks like a grainy doll.  Paid the money and don't like any of the photos.  Plus she didn't even try to make the kids smile or work with them.  My husband and I are awkward in photos together, he is 6'1" I'm 5'1" so don't do photos together too much.

Anyways, our life is revolving around scouts so much lately I can't remember why we joined!?!  I mean every weekend it is scouts for one kid or another.  Which brings up the question of when is too much, too much?  Even with the best of intentions of wholesome extra-curricular activities, when do you have to say, that is it we quit?

Well, we are talking about it right now, we have trouble saying no to helping out everyone.  Then we have other parents who have kids in scouts who think we don't do enough scouts.

I'm a big fan of family time.  Esp. weekends.  So far the girls scouts have been pretty good.  1x every 2 weeks for 1 1/2 meetings, and 1x every 2 months for "specials" (parade, etc.)

But, afraid that will change, the girl scout head leader is getting together with my oldest son's boy scout leader, to plan events now.  We have almost quit so many time because of her.  But, she was supposed to be moving, so we were going to stick it out a bit.  Alas, not.  She isn't a bad person mind you.  But, she is so passionate about scouts (gone every weekend with just one group of girls), that she gets under peoples skins.  She didn't leave a campsite with the boy scouts one time, even though there were leaky tents, she wanted to stick it out.  She doesn't is hard-core camping, I mean pee in the woods, if it isn't using survival skills it is too posh for her.  We have a set of "rules".  One of those is to see if your devoting too much time to one area.  This started after my older 2 boys went on a binge of video games.  Yes, it is natural.  But, it is just as natural for me to get mad they neglected EVERYTHING....bath, cleaning rooms, homework, and even eating.  Cute game, no violence, cuss words or anything of the sort.   But, we talked to them on how that can become your idol.  The den/scout leader reminds me of them.  She let the scouts become her idol.  She devotes more time/energy/resources into that, then anything else.  I refuse to let my scouts, video games, computer time, or even family time, become on "idol".

Pancreas - Since the last time I recovered from another round of pancreatitis.  Only been 7 months since last one.  I HATE it.  I'm feeling very blessed to be alive.  But, it isn't the pain as much as the mental game it plays on me.  I keep thinking is this it?  It isn't going away (after like 5-7 days), is the the big bad thing I fear so much?  It took about 4 1/2 weeks to go away completely (yes that means only a few days ago I feel better, almost 100%).

I take Ibuprofen at the first sign of pancreatitis.  I educated myself on what pancreatitis is, what it does, and how others help themselves.  Ibuprofen seemed to be a trend where those who took it early had milder attacks then those who took nothing or narcotics.  It usually works within about 30-45 min., doesn't cure it and I still don't eat (just a smidgen to go with the pills).  But, it stops working 3 hours later after I take it, so I only get 2 to 2 1/2 hours of relief total, but, the attack was much milder then before enzyme levels were only mild-moderately elevated.  But, doctor got mad I was taking so much Ibuprofen (gee somehow taking 4 pills a day, 6 hours apart, is too much, I suffered the rest of the time, just to avoid meds).  This is the local doctor who kept telling me it was my gall bladder (even thought CT/MRI/HIDA/ultrasound all came back clear.  So I had that removed, hey, it was in good shape, they just assumed because I'm not thin, I'm female, and had kids the gall bladder was obviously pretending to be good, when it was bad.

But, the doctor way down at Mayo Fl. clinic wants me to have a local person.  So I called up he gave me a script for Tramadol?  O.K. it takes some pain away, but, still feel bloated and I can't breathe without hurting.  So forget that, I've had to educate him on some stuff about me.  He didn't even believe I had another acute round till he saw my blood work.  What is up with doctors?  And I felt that the meds were helping.  Where Tramadol just masks the pain, doesn't actually help with inflammation (which is the problem).  Thus, you would eat more, thinking your not in pain, why not.  When really your pancreas is mad still, you just don't know your still hurting it.

This morning I woke up with a bit of morning sickness (no not pregnant, but, same feeling).  And I do have back pain again right there, though minimal.  We had spaghetti for dinner last night with meat sauce (90/10 meat, with extra fat removed even still).  I'm not sure if that set me off or what.  But, today.  I had rice with grilled chicken for lunch, oatmeal for breakfast.  I'm never really hungry.  But, I like to eat with the family while they are eating.  What I wouldn't do to feel starved, I sometimes forget to feed the kids or husband, till it is so late they get a peanut butter sandwich and straight to bed.  I guess I should set a timer or something.  haha!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Rainy Day made for a Stressful Day

You would think with 7 kids by now I'd be used to crying jags.

But, I had to walk away.  The baby was screaming so loud.  I put him in the crib early for bed (7:15).  He is on antibiotics for his 1st ear infection and round of strep.

While he was screaming.  My 2 year old takes a scented marker and marks on our new couches.  Just replaced a 35 year old set.  When the boyscouts came over and I had to apologize for the duct tape on the couches it was one thing.  But, when our neighbor comes over and cuts herself on one of the many brad nails that were coming out.  That was it.  So with our tax return, we said forget waiting for our kids to get potty trained.  We need "disposable" couches, we got the Bobkona off Amazon $550 +tax.  Honestly I didn't expect to like them that much.  But, they've grown on me.  Even though I can feel every spring in the cushions, there are no brad nails to worry about. :)

 Off to make my youngest daughters quilt for her 5th Birthday.  Less then a month away now.  For some reason I chose an ambitious one.  Why?  I have no idea.  This is my 2nd quilt ever, and I chose one that was a free pattern on the internet.  I'll post pictures later.

Me - I didn't have dinner last night.  I made my pancreas angry by having 2 Reece eggs after an average fat content lunch.   I didn't think about it until after I had them.  I have a thing for Reece eggs/tree/pumpkins.  I forgot I already had one.  So my back was hurting.  I altered my pro-Atkins type diet to a high carb diet....only because if it is low fat typically they added sugar to "fluff" it up.  And only fats bother me right now.
I saw the surgeons notes about my condition.  He has a "strong feeling" I will need the surgery real soon.  But, he was happy that I could keep my pain at bay by eating low to no fat diet.  So I choose frozen fat free yogurt for my kids birthday parties, and I substitute chips for carrots with my sandwich.  But, at what point do I say, I really want to be able to enjoy cooking and eating pot roast with my family again?

I got so scared again today, I made myself sick.  Those stupid stones are getting bigger and bigger.  Wish they were kidney stones like they originally said.  Not that I want those at all.  But, the outcome is so less scary at least for me.  

Please Father give me strength and wisdom to know what to eat.  Thank you for the days I have already had with my kids, even the stressful ones.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Z-man feeding baby brother, and my surgery is paused.

 It took him 8 months.  But, my 2 year old has finally warmed up to his baby brother.  My heart melts watching him take care of this little guy.   That would be my 6th, 2 year old we've had in this house.  HE is the only one that gets to me.  I love him but, WOW!  We either get "Terrific 2s" then they switch and we get "Fierce 4s", or we get "Terrible Twos" and "Friendly Fours".

#1 -  He is obsessed with the bathroom, and not in a potty training way.  He loves to turn the water on, in the sink or tub, turn off the lights, lock to door, and shut it behind him.
#2 - He has colored my walls with permanent marker.
#3 - Put shaving cream all over the bathroom floor.
#4 - Scissors, good grief, the one has some crazy fetish with scissors.  We put them high up and he'll get a chair and find them.  He cuts his clothes, hair, the dog's hair, tried to go for his sisters hair.  Cut daddy's shoe laces.  My least favorite.  Cut his baby brothers play yard netting (bigger then a Pack n' Play).  I was SO mad at that one.
#5 - The yuckiest thing he does.  Once he found the dog drinking out of the toilet (gross right).  Well, he goes to the kitchen, grabs a cup dips it in the potty, and you guessed it.  Drinks up.  It took us months and months to stop him from finding random cups/bowls/spoons/toys, even using his hands to play then sucking it up!!!

If you think this might be some sort of attention grabbing thing.  It is either because you've not had a 2 year old in a while, and you forget how curious and stubborn they are.  Or you really don't know our family and the great lengths we go to make sure our kids are given lots of individual attention.  Or both. :)

Me - I went down to the Mayo clinic to talk to the doctor about my pancreas surgery.  It makes me want to hurl sometimes even writing down that word.  I am so scared of leaving my children and my husband.  The surgeon says he wants to pause the surgery (for now).   So far the theory, the first attack happened because of a virus that attacked my pancreas and gave the pink slip to my husbands appendix.  I'm so mad too, they assured me up and down my pain was caused by my gall bladder (which my right side NEVER hurt).  They ran millions of tests on it (or so it seems).  Took it out.  Guess what gall bladder was in excellent health.  Now I just have to feel back pain every time I eat more then about 2 Fun Sized Snickers at one time.  I have to wait to be taking a narcotic and my pancreas to be dying before they will operate.  I'm so tired of watching my fat intake.  When I could eat fat I didn't as much and maintained my weight so much easier.  Now everything fat free is loaded with carbs.  Such a balancing act.

Till next time.  Live Long and Prosper! :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Krazy Kids: Meet the Krazy Kids!

The Krazy Kids: Meet the Krazy Kids!: Top Left:   #1 - The oldest and an outgoing child.  Our socialite, invites everybody over to the house kid!  He wants to be a computer en...

Meet the Krazy Kids!

Top Left:   #1 - The oldest and an outgoing child.  Our socialite, invites everybody over to the house kid!  He wants to be a computer engineer or video game maker when he grows up.

Bottom Left:  #2 - Our bookworm.  As a 4 year old she went around and made a list of stuff she wanted to accomplish every morning.  And checked them off when she was done.  She still is our straight A wonder!  She wants to be a chiropractor when she grows up.

Middle Left: #4 Our surprise!  Let me tell you she is a natural with babies and little ones.  Has an amazing patience with children, I think she will be a teacher one day!

Middle Right:  #5  Our older 2 girls are so calm and easy going.  This child is a spit fire of a little one.  Stubborn as a mule, and sweet as sugar.  Some how a mix of our oldest 2 kids.

Top Right:  #6 The first time I've had a tough 2 year old.  He is KRAZY!!!  Doesn't care about rules, they are meant to be broken.

Bottom Right (Left):  #3 Sweetest child you have ever met.  He has been diagnosed with PDD-NOS.  If your not familiar, a version of autism.  But,  we refuse to let that become a label.

Bottom Right: #7 The baby.  He came out furry and it hasn't fell out yet at 7 months old.  So blessed with him.  But, he is our last.....I think.