Monday, May 19, 2014

1st Girl Scout Camp Out at my house!!!

I won't add pictures of the other girls who came.  But, this was in my backyard Friday night!  I was so happy to have everybody over! :)

Why?  Well, I'm not sure about everybody else's house.  But, in our house, the only time my kids and husband are motivated to clean is when we are told we are going to have guests over.  So, I've made it a point to try and constantly try and schedule visitors over at least once a week.  Hey don't works!

So, the only thing that might get a little strange.  The two girl scout leaders are Kindergarten teachers.  But, the main leader is our neighbor, friend, and my "twins" teacher this year!  I was all worried about it being awkward.  She has been over before, but, this time she would have to use the restroom.  Let me tell you.  I actually felt the overwhelming desire to renovate the downstairs bathroom.  Don't ask me why.  Maybe because Sarah, the 5 year old a year ago, held onto the towel rack and it pulled out of the wall and left 2 large holes.  I don't have the same paint color so no sense in patching them up right now.  But, don't have the money to fix it the way I would like, I estimate to renovate the downstairs bathroom it is going to take me ~$500.  For paint/supplies, tile flooring, and sink (hopefully), and decor.  It was fine.

But, 'Zeke (my 2 year old) tried to go potty "all by himself" with no warning.  He only pee'd, but, wiped using an entire 1/2 roll of toilet paper!  Flushed about 3-4x we guess, and flooded the bathroom!!!!  Thankfully there was a lull in bathroom runs (which with 18 girls, wasn't much of a lull).  We bleached/mopped/aired out the bathroom.

Here is 'Zeke, we asked him to smile for the camera.  For some reason when you ask my kids to smile they always show their bottom teeth or both teeth.  An unnatural smile for them.  ha!
Photo: This is what he looks like if you tell him to smile.  My kids love showing their bottom teeth only... Lol!

Next day they were going to go swimming, with a lifeguard, who ended up showing up 2 hours late!  So my husband stepped in and helped the younger girls swim (thankfully the baby took a nap, so I had free hands).  I watched (from outside the pool) the older girls swim, and get their badge for swimming.    They are amazing set of girls.  I don't know about y'all but, when I was their age, I remember everybody (girl wise) trying to jab at the other girls at how ugly, stupid, or weird they were.  I was always the brunt of it.  My mom wasn't well like by the church we grew up in.  They found out she was raped by her cousin at 15 and had an abortion because of it.  Well, instead of loving her, as they should.  They told her what she should've done instead.  Those mothers of the church started talking bad about my mom, and thus, the girls to me.  We moved cities due to a job.  I wasn't picked on again.

Thankfully we found a church that instead of shaking a finger at her, gave her a hug.

I can't believe how she was those she was seeking rest to put aside all weight she had on her shoulders, and she just was given more on.

I have come to find there are 2 types of churches in this world.  1.  Those led by Christ 2.  Those led by their own desires.  1 church has it's hands wide open willing to accept you as your are, to love you as Christ loved the church.  The other is there to rebuke you before you even step a foot in the door.  Try out different churches there is one for everybody.  We currently go to 2 churches, 1 on Sunday, and 1 on Wed.  The Sunday one (our favorite) doesn't have a kids program.  It is non-traditional church, but, it is HUGE!  (well for around here).  You can see signs of their feet and hands walking and moving for Christ in it's members, community, and world outreaches.  We can go in our "Sunday best" or shorts and flip flops, and not feel out of place.  The Wed. church, it gives us a little more "meat" for our week, they are Southern Baptist, but, one of the children's leaders kicked me out!   But, that is another time and another post.

Pancreas, (knock on wood) seems to be doing better.  I had Pizza Hut pizza slice on Friday before girls came over, it didn't make me feel too well.  Probably should've taken some Creon before I ate.  I took some Ibuprofen instead.  Ate low fat Sat. & Sunday.  And I haven't had any morning sickness. :)

OHHHHHHHH.....found out good news, the bloodwork came back for the PRSS1 and CF test, I'm negative.  I don't have to worry about my kids.  Which means that the timeline is looking more and more likely.  The fact I got a virus that attacked my pancreas, I just happen to have a abnormal loop duct.  They think more people get mild acute pancreatitis rounds then is listed, as most play it off as a really bad stomach bug and go on.

Side note I see the neurologist Thursday.  Apparently they think I have MS.  Which I'm so over being a worry wort about that.  I personally think it is a neck issue.  I move my head I hear grinding, or my foot will go numb, or my vision takes a nose dive, as long as I keep my stress down, and my neck from cracking too much it doesn't happen.  They ruled out migraines (took them 2 years), no pain with a migraine signals something else.  They thought it was a spinal fluid leak to the point I had a c-section with the last baby, (my 1st c-section) to avoid pushing (which increases your spinal fluid pressure).  I could only seek relief by laying flat on my back.  They refuse to look at my neck until they do some crazy test for MS.

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