Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Family photo for Easter

Never did add a picture of us.  This is our crew! :)  Excuse the trashcan bomb... :)  I never take the time to edit photos....Plus to tell you the truth.  Other then cropping stuff (like trashcans out), and changing and rotating if upside down.  Photo editing just looks fake to me.  I have one of Caleb (the baby) a few months ago, done by a professional (friend at church).  She doctored it up so much he looks like a grainy doll.  Paid the money and don't like any of the photos.  Plus she didn't even try to make the kids smile or work with them.  My husband and I are awkward in photos together, he is 6'1" I'm 5'1" so don't do photos together too much.

Anyways, our life is revolving around scouts so much lately I can't remember why we joined!?!  I mean every weekend it is scouts for one kid or another.  Which brings up the question of when is too much, too much?  Even with the best of intentions of wholesome extra-curricular activities, when do you have to say, that is it we quit?

Well, we are talking about it right now, we have trouble saying no to helping out everyone.  Then we have other parents who have kids in scouts who think we don't do enough scouts.

I'm a big fan of family time.  Esp. weekends.  So far the girls scouts have been pretty good.  1x every 2 weeks for 1 1/2 meetings, and 1x every 2 months for "specials" (parade, etc.)

But, afraid that will change, the girl scout head leader is getting together with my oldest son's boy scout leader, to plan events now.  We have almost quit so many time because of her.  But, she was supposed to be moving, so we were going to stick it out a bit.  Alas, not.  She isn't a bad person mind you.  But, she is so passionate about scouts (gone every weekend with just one group of girls), that she gets under peoples skins.  She didn't leave a campsite with the boy scouts one time, even though there were leaky tents, she wanted to stick it out.  She doesn't is hard-core camping, I mean pee in the woods, if it isn't using survival skills it is too posh for her.  We have a set of "rules".  One of those is to see if your devoting too much time to one area.  This started after my older 2 boys went on a binge of video games.  Yes, it is natural.  But, it is just as natural for me to get mad they neglected EVERYTHING....bath, cleaning rooms, homework, and even eating.  Cute game, no violence, cuss words or anything of the sort.   But, we talked to them on how that can become your idol.  The den/scout leader reminds me of them.  She let the scouts become her idol.  She devotes more time/energy/resources into that, then anything else.  I refuse to let my scouts, video games, computer time, or even family time, become on "idol".

Pancreas - Since the last time I recovered from another round of pancreatitis.  Only been 7 months since last one.  I HATE it.  I'm feeling very blessed to be alive.  But, it isn't the pain as much as the mental game it plays on me.  I keep thinking is this it?  It isn't going away (after like 5-7 days), is the the big bad thing I fear so much?  It took about 4 1/2 weeks to go away completely (yes that means only a few days ago I feel better, almost 100%).

I take Ibuprofen at the first sign of pancreatitis.  I educated myself on what pancreatitis is, what it does, and how others help themselves.  Ibuprofen seemed to be a trend where those who took it early had milder attacks then those who took nothing or narcotics.  It usually works within about 30-45 min., doesn't cure it and I still don't eat (just a smidgen to go with the pills).  But, it stops working 3 hours later after I take it, so I only get 2 to 2 1/2 hours of relief total, but, the attack was much milder then before enzyme levels were only mild-moderately elevated.  But, doctor got mad I was taking so much Ibuprofen (gee somehow taking 4 pills a day, 6 hours apart, is too much, I suffered the rest of the time, just to avoid meds).  This is the local doctor who kept telling me it was my gall bladder (even thought CT/MRI/HIDA/ultrasound all came back clear.  So I had that removed, hey, it was in good shape, they just assumed because I'm not thin, I'm female, and had kids the gall bladder was obviously pretending to be good, when it was bad.

But, the doctor way down at Mayo Fl. clinic wants me to have a local person.  So I called up he gave me a script for Tramadol?  O.K. it takes some pain away, but, still feel bloated and I can't breathe without hurting.  So forget that, I've had to educate him on some stuff about me.  He didn't even believe I had another acute round till he saw my blood work.  What is up with doctors?  And I felt that the meds were helping.  Where Tramadol just masks the pain, doesn't actually help with inflammation (which is the problem).  Thus, you would eat more, thinking your not in pain, why not.  When really your pancreas is mad still, you just don't know your still hurting it.

This morning I woke up with a bit of morning sickness (no not pregnant, but, same feeling).  And I do have back pain again right there, though minimal.  We had spaghetti for dinner last night with meat sauce (90/10 meat, with extra fat removed even still).  I'm not sure if that set me off or what.  But, today.  I had rice with grilled chicken for lunch, oatmeal for breakfast.  I'm never really hungry.  But, I like to eat with the family while they are eating.  What I wouldn't do to feel starved, I sometimes forget to feed the kids or husband, till it is so late they get a peanut butter sandwich and straight to bed.  I guess I should set a timer or something.  haha!

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