Monday, April 7, 2014

Rainy Day made for a Stressful Day

You would think with 7 kids by now I'd be used to crying jags.

But, I had to walk away.  The baby was screaming so loud.  I put him in the crib early for bed (7:15).  He is on antibiotics for his 1st ear infection and round of strep.

While he was screaming.  My 2 year old takes a scented marker and marks on our new couches.  Just replaced a 35 year old set.  When the boyscouts came over and I had to apologize for the duct tape on the couches it was one thing.  But, when our neighbor comes over and cuts herself on one of the many brad nails that were coming out.  That was it.  So with our tax return, we said forget waiting for our kids to get potty trained.  We need "disposable" couches, we got the Bobkona off Amazon $550 +tax.  Honestly I didn't expect to like them that much.  But, they've grown on me.  Even though I can feel every spring in the cushions, there are no brad nails to worry about. :)

 Off to make my youngest daughters quilt for her 5th Birthday.  Less then a month away now.  For some reason I chose an ambitious one.  Why?  I have no idea.  This is my 2nd quilt ever, and I chose one that was a free pattern on the internet.  I'll post pictures later.

Me - I didn't have dinner last night.  I made my pancreas angry by having 2 Reece eggs after an average fat content lunch.   I didn't think about it until after I had them.  I have a thing for Reece eggs/tree/pumpkins.  I forgot I already had one.  So my back was hurting.  I altered my pro-Atkins type diet to a high carb diet....only because if it is low fat typically they added sugar to "fluff" it up.  And only fats bother me right now.
I saw the surgeons notes about my condition.  He has a "strong feeling" I will need the surgery real soon.  But, he was happy that I could keep my pain at bay by eating low to no fat diet.  So I choose frozen fat free yogurt for my kids birthday parties, and I substitute chips for carrots with my sandwich.  But, at what point do I say, I really want to be able to enjoy cooking and eating pot roast with my family again?

I got so scared again today, I made myself sick.  Those stupid stones are getting bigger and bigger.  Wish they were kidney stones like they originally said.  Not that I want those at all.  But, the outcome is so less scary at least for me.  

Please Father give me strength and wisdom to know what to eat.  Thank you for the days I have already had with my kids, even the stressful ones.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Z-man feeding baby brother, and my surgery is paused.

 It took him 8 months.  But, my 2 year old has finally warmed up to his baby brother.  My heart melts watching him take care of this little guy.   That would be my 6th, 2 year old we've had in this house.  HE is the only one that gets to me.  I love him but, WOW!  We either get "Terrific 2s" then they switch and we get "Fierce 4s", or we get "Terrible Twos" and "Friendly Fours".

#1 -  He is obsessed with the bathroom, and not in a potty training way.  He loves to turn the water on, in the sink or tub, turn off the lights, lock to door, and shut it behind him.
#2 - He has colored my walls with permanent marker.
#3 - Put shaving cream all over the bathroom floor.
#4 - Scissors, good grief, the one has some crazy fetish with scissors.  We put them high up and he'll get a chair and find them.  He cuts his clothes, hair, the dog's hair, tried to go for his sisters hair.  Cut daddy's shoe laces.  My least favorite.  Cut his baby brothers play yard netting (bigger then a Pack n' Play).  I was SO mad at that one.
#5 - The yuckiest thing he does.  Once he found the dog drinking out of the toilet (gross right).  Well, he goes to the kitchen, grabs a cup dips it in the potty, and you guessed it.  Drinks up.  It took us months and months to stop him from finding random cups/bowls/spoons/toys, even using his hands to play then sucking it up!!!

If you think this might be some sort of attention grabbing thing.  It is either because you've not had a 2 year old in a while, and you forget how curious and stubborn they are.  Or you really don't know our family and the great lengths we go to make sure our kids are given lots of individual attention.  Or both. :)

Me - I went down to the Mayo clinic to talk to the doctor about my pancreas surgery.  It makes me want to hurl sometimes even writing down that word.  I am so scared of leaving my children and my husband.  The surgeon says he wants to pause the surgery (for now).   So far the theory, the first attack happened because of a virus that attacked my pancreas and gave the pink slip to my husbands appendix.  I'm so mad too, they assured me up and down my pain was caused by my gall bladder (which my right side NEVER hurt).  They ran millions of tests on it (or so it seems).  Took it out.  Guess what gall bladder was in excellent health.  Now I just have to feel back pain every time I eat more then about 2 Fun Sized Snickers at one time.  I have to wait to be taking a narcotic and my pancreas to be dying before they will operate.  I'm so tired of watching my fat intake.  When I could eat fat I didn't as much and maintained my weight so much easier.  Now everything fat free is loaded with carbs.  Such a balancing act.

Till next time.  Live Long and Prosper! :)